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The “How To” on Joining Clubs in Your First Year

By: Blake Bond

While our time at university has only been short, the number of clubs for us first-years to join is huge! Joining a club at Curtin is one the best things for you to get the absolute most out of your uni years. Even though many may find it daunting or confusing, Curtin Marketing Association is here to give you the hand you need to be living your best uni life.

Why join a club?

Starting uni isn’t easy and being presented with a whole new place and a bunch of new people can be a big shock to some, but joining a club can help to ease all these worries. With over 100 clubs to choose from at Curtin, including academic, special-interest, religious, issues-based and international clubs, you're sure to find something right up your alley. Find the full club list here

Clubs are also great for meeting like-minded people. You have special-interest clubs that are perfect for scratching that ‘fun bug’ and finding people who love your interests and hobbies just as much as you do, whereas, an academic-related club is good for socialising but can be useful for getting valuable advice from those who have been on campus longer than you. Not only that, but joining a club related to your major can also be a huge help when it comes to those tricky concepts or assignments.

With non-mandatory attendance and their relaxed nature, why wouldn’t you sign yourself up for the club that suits you?

Ways Clubs Can Be Less Intimidating

Clubs can be scary to navigate, however with these quick tips for clubs, a much less intimidating frontier is on the way. The best way to get people interested and comfortable in a club is to stress the fun. As first years aren’t told about how clubs work or what happens in them and people can wrongly see clubs as a waste of time or something not worth doing.

Social events and a non-formal club description are key in getting fresh faces into a welcoming and friendly club environment. Most first-years are either fresh out of school or haven’t been studying for a little while and coming back into a mentally laborious and busy environment can sometimes be a shock. Therefore, having fun events and social gatherings only helps to increase club involvement and can ease the shift into uni-life.

As much as people hate them, having a few fun and quirky ice breakers can really be the differing factor between a room full of people and a warm and inclusive group. Will you learn someone's name? Or will you discover their life goals and aspirations? There’s only one way to find out and that’s by getting involved and putting yourself out there and icebreakers help to do just that.

What First Years Can Do To Feel More At Ease?

As a first year, remember that you're not alone in this; if you're feeling lonely or left out just know there are many other people feeling the same way. If you can’t seem to find that someone to talk to, try and find those other first years who are going to be just as nervous and lost as you, chances are they are waiting for someone to say hi as well.

If you begin to feel overwhelmed, don’t sink into the crowd; rise up and start to ask questions, as there are people just waiting to chat and help you out. Everyone has been a first year at some point and knows what those butterflies feel like - so whether you’re in a club or in the classroom, just remember that a friend is only an introduction away.

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